1: MOVING IMAGE (TV or Cinema Commercial over 60 seconds)

Liberated Drivers - Road safety - NZ Transport Agency JPG
Liberated Drivers - Road safety - NZ Transport Agency MP4 1m:11s

Liberated Drivers - NZ Transport Agency
Road safety

Liberated Drivers - NZ Transport Agency - Road safety


Title of Entry: Liberated Drivers
Brand: NZ Transport Agency
Product/Service: Road safety
Client: NZ Transport Agency
Entrant Company: Clemenger BBDO Wellington
Creative Agency: Clemenger BBDO Wellington
Creative Director: Brigid Alkema
Date of Release: 2020-06-28
Notes: This film shows the dystopian world of phone addiction; the ugly reality of the relentlessness of our phone use, invading and encroaching into every moment of our day.
At the end of the film, the car is offered up as a sweet escape – a subtle flip that turns the car interior into a tool for phone resistance, not just a place you know it’s safest not to use it. A place where, for once, the car is the distraction.
Distracted driving cntributes to 30% of New Zealand’s crashes. Drivers acknowledge it’s unsafe, but the pull from their phones is too strong to resist.
However, the majority of people are now seeking time apart from their phones. ‘Liberated Drivers' leverages this global growing desire to take back the control we've lost, by repositioning the car as a safe haven from distraction, and in doing so, giving them new way to think about their in-car phone use.
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