12: HEALTHCARE (Devices)

The Zero Straw - Clemenceau Medical Center (CMC)
Zero-sugar straw

Title of Entry: | The Zero Straw |
Brand: | Clemenceau Medical Center (CMC) |
Product/Service: | Zero-sugar straw |
Client: | Clemenceau Medical Center (CMC) |
Entrant Company: | TBWA\RAAD |
Creative Agency: | TBWA\RAAD |
Chief Creative Officer: | Walid Kanaan |
Art Director: | Sarah Guessoum |
Copywriter: | Maian Alken |
Sector: | N/A |
Production Company: | IDEAL FIBERGLASS |
Date of Release: | 2019-11-02 |
Notes: | 425 million people in the world have diabetes. Half a million of them live in Lebanon. Type 1 diabetics in particular lead a life on the lookout. Because they don’t produce insulin, they need to watch their sugar intake religiously, as any sugar “overdose” can lead to dangerously high blood sugar spikes. Since sugars in drinks are absorbed almost instantly, any mishap can result in disastrous consequences, including blurred vision, loss of consciousness, and even coma. This is challenging for type 1 diabetic Lebanese in particular because social activities - that naturally involve beverages - are essential parts of their lives. That’s precisely the crux of the problem: The beverages served at restaurants usually come in label-less cups; making it incredibly difficult for diabetics to know which ones contain sugar. Relying on the judgement of busy waiters who’re juggling countless orders means every drink comes with an immense health risk. Partnering with the Clemenceau Medical Center in Beirut – a clinic with its own endocrinology department that specializes in the treatment and management of diabetes – we invented and introduced: The Zero Straw. An innovative self-test that’s able to alert type 1 diabetics of potentially harmful sugars in their drinks – simply by changing color. Using technology developed by the clinic, the paper straw’s material is infused with enzymes that turn a bright green once dipped in a drink that contains glucose. For a type 1 diabetic, prevention is be er than cure. But how does one create a solution aimed at preventing sugar overdoses among type 1 diabetics when they are confronted with label-less beverages at public places that could contain harmful sugars? The answer can’t and shouldn’t be to always ask waiters or hosts. What if they aren’t sure? What if they’re wrong? What if they simply don’t know? Especially since beverage safety regulations in restaurants are fairly lenient. What’s more, choosing abstinence and se ling for water is not a life diabetics should be doomed to. The solution had to be something innovative, user-friendly, and easily understood by everyone regardless of background or educational level. Something that could act as a sugar radar. It would be imperative to make it available everywhere, which would undoubtedly lead to greater awareness on this often sidelined issue. On completion of a successful prototype, the Zero Straw was given to diabetic patients at the Clemenceau Medical Center. Upon witnessing the Straw’s color-changing ability first-hand, the positive reaction from diabetic patients was overwhelming. The Straw was then packaged in packs of ten and put on display at the Center’s pharmacy. It then made its way to other pharmacies within the Clemenceau Medical Center network, as well as being distributed at a number of major restaurants in Beirut. All for free. The Zero Straw also caught the eye of regional influencers who are diabetic themselves, such as Dannish Walker Khan (@DWK200) and Christel Oerun (@Diabetesstrong_IG), as well as Lebanese diabetes nutritionists, such as Ghida Arnaout (@Monkyseemonkydo), who all shared their excitement about the product. Within the first two weeks of the campaign, the Zero Straw was given to 3,687 patients at the Clemenceau Medical Center. Additionally, in the first few weeks of the campaign launch, conversation about the Zero Straw had reached over 2.1 million people (that’s four times the number of diabetics in Lebanon), and online conversation increased by 500%. |
Other Credits: | Designers: Rijin Kunnath, Michael Logaring |
Other Credits: | Executive Creative Director: Bruno Bomediano |
Other Credits: | Strategy: Remie Abdo, Jessica Handley |
Other Credits: | Head of Digital: Emad Doughan |
Other Credits: | Motion Designer: Lucas Pimenta, Camilo Rojas |
Other Credits: | Production: Rouba Asmar, Nelly Chehwan |
Other Credits: | Account Director: Diana Georges |
Other Credits: | Product Designer: Basil Azizoghly - Ideal Fibreglass |