18: CRAFT (Outstanding Typography (print))

Burle Type - Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx - Burle Marx Institute JPG
Burle Type - Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx - Burle Marx Institute JPG
Burle Type - Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx - Burle Marx Institute JPG
Burle Type - Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx - Burle Marx Institute JPG
Burle Type - Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx - Burle Marx Institute JPG
Burle Type - Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx - Burle Marx Institute JPG

Burle Type - Burle Marx Institute
Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx

Burle Type - Burle Marx Institute - Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx


Title of Entry: Burle Type
Brand: Burle Marx Institute
Product/Service: Art and legacy from Roberto Burle Marx
Client: Burle Marx Institute
Entrant Company: Tátil Desin
Creative Agency: Tátil Design
Craft Leader(s): Fred Gelli
Role: CEO
Creative Director: Ricardo Bezerra
Designer: Daniel Escudeiro
Chief Creative Officer: Fred Gelli
Sector: N/A
Date of Release: 2019-05-28
Typography: Daniel Escudeiro and Lucas Azevedo
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