2: DIGITAL (Online video ads)

Certified Story Time - Automotive - Chevrolet, Buick & GMC Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles JPG
Certified Story Time - Automotive - Chevrolet, Buick & GMC Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles MP4 5m:53s
Certified Story Time - Automotive - Chevrolet, Buick & GMC Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles MP4 1m:47s

Certified Story Time - Chevrolet, Buick & GMC Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles

Certified Story Time - Chevrolet, Buick & GMC Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles - Automotive


Title of Entry: Certified Story Time
Brand: Chevrolet, Buick & GMC Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles
Product/Service: Automotive
Client: General Motors
Entrant Company: MRM
Creative Agency: MRM
Judging URL: https://bcove.video/2WfIWZK
Live site URL: https://www.gmcertifiedstorytime.com/
Chief Creative Officer: Jeff Cruz
Account Executive: Meg McPhee
Account Manager: Jayme Winters
Creative Director: Tiffany Moy-Miller
Date of Release: 2019-04-22
Notes: We’ve all heard a used car breakdown story or two. So it’s no surprise that used car shoppers feel like their shopping experience is a gamble and their journey is driven by uncertainty.

And things can get pretty dry – as most used car messaging focuses on rational decision making. The design is the same old, same old: an image of a vehicle and some generic message like “peace of mind” as the headline. Bleh. So we set out to break through the clutter by connecting with people emotionally by creating humorous stories that show our consumer that you can expect happiness, even when the unexpected happens. Each story is filled with twists, turns, quirky characters, snappy dialogue, eye-popping backdrops, syrupy smooth lip-synced voiceovers and of course, product benefits.
UX Designer: Nancy Goliver
Production Company: station films, Los Angeles
Art Director: Brendan Dellicolli & Ken Villapando
Copywriter: Kyle Duda & Chethna Suryakumar
Other Credits: Agency Producer - Wiebke Engel
Other Credits: SVP. Group Accout Director - Lori Sullivan & Liza Roach
Other Credits: Account Director - Crystal Cross
Other Credits: Strategy Director - Josie Castro
Other Credits: Director - Lena Beug, station films
Other Credits: Executive Producer - Caroline Gibney
Other Credits: Senior Creative Editor - Rich Smith, Hudson Edit
Other Credits: Colorist Oisin O’Driscoll , The Mill Chicago
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