18: CRAFT (Humour (any media))

Dear haters <3 - Public transport - Stockholms Lokaltrafik JPG
Dear haters <3 - Public transport - Stockholms Lokaltrafik MP4 1m:59s

Dear haters <3 - Stockholms Lokaltrafik
Public transport

Dear haters <3 - Stockholms Lokaltrafik - Public transport


Title of Entry: Dear haters <3
Brand: Stockholms Lokaltrafik
Product/Service: Public transport
Client: SL
Entrant Company: Garbergs
Creative Agency: Garbergs
Craft Leader(s): John Lundquist Coey
Role: Art director
Art Director: John Lundquist Coey
Copywriter: Lina Bergman
Account Executive: Mehrnaz Benje
Sector: TRAVEL
Account Manager: Ewa Staël von Holstein
Date of Release: 2019-08-06
Notes: SL:s social media channels are filled to the brim with complaints, often signed off with the (not so sophisticated) hashtag #fuckSL by their most dedicated critics. What if we could communicate directly to them? This insight resulted in the campaign "Dear Haters". An outdoor campaign, created by Garbergs, where previous complaints by SL's greatest haters where displayed and replied too directly, in order to dedramatize this year's summer plagues with a healthy dose of tongue in cheek humor. Because this summer, the public transport system of Stockholm will get messier than ever!
For SL (the official public transport system of Stockholm) summertime means renovations! And the summer of 2019 is certainly no exception. Whole stations and tracks of the metro will be closed down for months in favor of the most extensive renovation of Stockholm's public transport system since the 1960s. Our brief was to inform the commuters of Stockholm of the impending renovation and why it must be done, and if possible, break the news in such a way as to keep their spirits up.
Other Credits: Anders Tessing Photographer
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