vote for meAL - Fresh products of Lidl - Lidl Belgium JPG
vote for meAL - Fresh products of Lidl - Lidl Belgium JPG
vote for meAL - Fresh products of Lidl - Lidl Belgium JPG
vote for meAL - Fresh products of Lidl - Lidl Belgium JPG
vote for meAL - Fresh products of Lidl - Lidl Belgium JPG
vote for meAL - Fresh products of Lidl - Lidl Belgium JPG
vote for meAL - Fresh products of Lidl - Lidl Belgium MP4 1m:12s

vote for meAL - Lidl Belgium
Fresh products of Lidl

vote for meAL - Lidl Belgium - Fresh products of Lidl


Title of Entry: vote for meAL
Brand: Lidl Belgium
Product/Service: Fresh products of Lidl
Client: Lidl Belgium
Entrant Company: BBDO Belgium
Creative Agency: BBDO Belgium
Account Executive: Shi Qi Ji
Account Manager: Melissa Fastenaekels
Creative Director: Sebastien De Valck, Arnaud Pitz
Sector: RETAIL
Art Director: Gaëtan Gomez Garcia
Copywriter: Verheyleweghen Gregory
Date of Release: 2019-05-23
Judging URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62AsrWi7YBw
Other Credits: Chief Commercial : Isabel Peeters
Other Credits: Account Director : Michelle Stas
Other Credits: Head of RTV : Patricia Van De Kerckhove
Other Credits: Producer: Silk Ricour, Renée Vermeire, Lac-Long Phung, Elena Radi
Other Credits: Executive Producer : Roxane Lemaire
Other Credits: Photographer : Filip Vanzieleghem
Other Credits: Retoucher : Tom Vandewiele, Serge Catalan
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