16: DIGITAL DESIGN (Micro-site)

Save the Seasons - Bergans - Bergans JPG

Save the Seasons - Bergans

Save the Seasons - Bergans - Bergans


Title of Entry: Save the Seasons
Brand: Bergans
Product/Service: Bergans
Client: Bergans
Entrant Company: APT
Creative Agency: POL
Judging URL: http://savetheseasons.com
Live site URL: savetheseasons.com
Date of Release: 2020-01-22
Digital Producer: Linda Tillier
Notes: Winter is becoming shorter and with less and less snow while summer is becoming longer with more heavy rain, drought and wildfires.
Our seasons controls natural processes, everything from mating, pollen, rain, flooding, drought and weather. If the bees wake up too late for blossom, it’s disastrous for both them and the plants they’re meant to pollinate. This is just one sign that the seasons are under threat, and we must protect them!
Our common goal is to get the seasons into the UNESCO World Heritage List. If we succeed, politicians will be obliged to sharpen their climate efforts in order to stop global warming and thereby preserve the seasons. Through the project, we will ask the Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment to put the seasons higher on the agenda. Save The Seasons!
Developer: Thomas Sømoen
Designer: Emil Karlsson
Production Company: APT
Art Director: Emil Karlsson
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