Cresta now wins you global ranking points
Cresta has been chosen as as a leading indicator of creative excellence. From 2019 results onwards, Cresta Awards has been included in the World Creative Ranking list, earning all winners additional points.
That means any awards won at Cresta will help agencies and networks strengthen their overall position on WCR ranking.
Gaining points by success at Cresta also counts towards individual creatives - and their clients - profiles. A win at Cresta has always helped enhance the CV but now there will be another way in which winning here can have wider effect, ensuring individuals as well as their agencies get into these ranking tables. It's an additional way in which Cresta aims to give a clear return on investment to all its winners.
Cresta endorses the World Creative Rankings ranking as a system that aims to be fair, global in reach, and adventurous in showcasing the best across developing media types and creative disciplines. The WCR's commitment to analysing data around key creative community issues, such as gender diversity, is strongly supportive of Cresta objectives in developing creative talents and fairness of opportunity.
*Since this article was first publilshed, The Big Won has been renamed simply World Creative Rankings