30 SECONDS OF LIGHT - Dunhuang Academy APP - Dunhuang Academy JPG
30 SECONDS OF LIGHT - Dunhuang Academy APP - Dunhuang Academy MP4 2m:17s

30 SECONDS OF LIGHT - Dunhuang Academy
Dunhuang Academy APP

30 SECONDS OF LIGHT - Dunhuang Academy - Dunhuang Academy APP


Title of Entry: 30 SECONDS OF LIGHT
Brand: Dunhuang Academy
Product/Service: Dunhuang Academy APP
Client: Dunhuang Academy
Entrant Company: TENCENT IN HOUSE
Creative Team: 1. General Manager: Vincent Li

2. Assistant General Manager:Xiaolan Liu

3. Executive Creative Director: Akae Wang

4. Copywriter: Akae Wang

5. Copywriter: Yuanmeng Liu

6. Art Director: Ivy Huang

7. Project Manager: Fino Feng
Other Credits: Creative Studio: Stink Studios
1. Managing Director: Ramzi Chaabane

2. Executive Producer: Katherine Lee

3. Producer: Nina Gu

4. Senior Designer: Addie Hao

5. 3D Lead: Helen Hsu

6. 3D Modeler: Mash Wang

7. Developer: James Yong

8. Producer: Lili Xiong

9.Creative Director: Addie Hao

10.Copywriter: Mark Louis Brenndorfer

11. Production Partner : Final Frontier
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