Fast and furry - Coop Prix - Coop Prix JPG
Fast and furry - Coop Prix - Coop Prix MP4 40s

Fast and furry - Coop Prix
Coop Prix

Fast and furry - Coop Prix - Coop Prix


Title of Entry: Fast and furry
Brand: Coop Prix
Product/Service: Coop Prix
Client: Coop Prix
Entrant Company: ANTI
Creative Team: Creative, Bjørn Solli
Creative, Elise Apall Bjørgsvik
Creative Director, Christian Hygen
Account Director and Planner, Tom André Engli Storsveen
Account Manager, Hildegunn Holtet
Production Manager, Linn Engen
Designer, Mathilde Sjulstad
Motion Designer, Aleksander Rønning
Other Credits: Producer: Henriette Carlsen (Einar Film og Fortellinger)
Director: Filip Nilsson (Einar Film og Fortellinger)
Post Producer: Madicken Landvad (Einar Film og Fortellinger)
Composer: Christian Olsson (Einar Film og Fortellinger)

Executive VFX Producer: Emma Rosas Hott (Swiss International)
Executive VFX Producer: Erik Holmedal (Swiss International)
VFX Supervisor: Andreas Weidman (Swiss International)

Sector: N/A
Notes: Coop Prix is a Norwegian chain of convenient stores. They have set out to make shopping for groceries both fast and easy!
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