The Jujube - Tencent Neo-Culture Creativity - Tencent JPG
The Jujube - Tencent Neo-Culture Creativity - Tencent MP4 6m:03s

The Jujube - Tencent
Tencent Neo-Culture Creativity

The Jujube - Tencent - Tencent Neo-Culture Creativity


Title of Entry: The Jujube
Brand: Tencent
Product/Service: Tencent Neo-Culture Creativity
Client: Tencent
Entrant Company: Tencent
Creative Team: Producer:Edward Cheng
Executive Producer:Vincent Li
Executive Producer:Xiao Lan Liu
Master Director:Jie Weng
Original Author:Cuttlefish that Loves Diving
Screenwriter:Akae Wang
Screenwriter:Zita Zou
Screenwriter:Yuanmeng Liu
Narrator :Hao Qin
Coordinator:Hunter Zhang
Coordinator:Ice Ling
Coordinator:Chloe Xiao
Art Direction:Dong Xie
Art Direction:Ken Lin
Communications:Zhi Yi Zhou
Communications:Li Fang Feng
Communications:Shuang Li
Communications:Jing Xu
Communications:Ming Wang
Communications:Lin Li
Communications:Ji Jing Wang
Communications:Lei Yang
Communications:Zhi Qun Song
Communications:Wen Li
Script Supervisor:Yan Dong Shen
Other Credits: Stop-motion lead creators
Director :Jie Weng
Production Manager :Jing Yan Zhao
Executive Director:Jun Tai Lin
Executive Director:Jia Cai
Animator:Si Yu Li
Animator:Yin Chu Lv
Animator:Shao Ming Tu
Animator:Zhuo Dong Zhang
Animator:Yu Xin Peng
Prop Master:Dan yang huang
Props Producer:Min Ding
Props Producer:Yu Qi Sha
Props Producer:Yu Xin Peng
Props Producer:Dan Yang Huang
Costume Design:Xiao Chen Yi
Costumer Production:Xiao Chen Yi
Costumer Production:Jing Yuan
Costumer Production:Yi Wen Xiang
Clay Figures:Shao Ming Tu
Clay Figures:Shu Ting Chen
Clay Figures:Jun Tai Lin
Media:Si Yu Li

Film crew for the live action
Production Manager:Chen Chen Liu
Live Action Director:Tao Wu
Director of Photography:Jun Cui
Focus Puller:Yang Chen
Gaffer:Jia Lin Peng
Best Boy:Meng Lai Peng
Associate Producer:Jia Xu
Assistant Producer:Ting Ting Sun
Assistant Producer:Jie Shao
Editor:Qing Hu Wang
VFX:Xiao Qian Nie
VFX:Wang Lu
VFX:Hui Xin Liao
Music:Le Bei

Creative Execution:Si Qi Zheng
Creative Execution:Jia Cai
Graphic Execution:Hong Yi Zhang
Graphic Execution:Wan Shen Huang
Animated Scenes (3D):Zhen Yu Gao
Animation Composition:Jie Cui
Animation Composition:Jun Shu
Sector: N/A
Notes: Strange tales in China are a type of fable,
They often tell people to avoid evil and do good.

The jujube is the story of a pair of brothers
who lose their family fortune and accidentally,
obtain a treasure map left behind by their father,
But their greed eventually turns them into ghosts.

The story was featured by clay figurines,
The costuming and sets were inspired from arts of the Ming dynasty.
The fight scenes were fused with moves of Chinese martial arts,
All the scenes were shot with live-action first and then produced frame by frame.

In the traditional Chinese clay sculpture drama,
The character itself is silent,
The vividness of the story can only be demonstrated through the voice of the artist.
The story is narrated using traditional comic dialogue,
Qin Hao, a celebrated folk storyteller, also starred in the animation as a narrator,
with an element of classical opera style.

This is a new attempt to promote classical Chinese literature
under Tencent Neo-Culture Creativity.
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