1: MOVING IMAGE (TV or Cinema Commercial 31- 60 seconds)

The Relationship - Kondomeriet - Kondomeriet JPG
The Relationship - Kondomeriet - Kondomeriet MP4 1m:00s

The Relationship - Kondomeriet

The Relationship - Kondomeriet - Kondomeriet


Title of Entry: The Relationship
Brand: Kondomeriet
Product/Service: Kondomeriet
Client: Kondomeriet
Entrant Company: Pol
Creative Team: Agency: Pol
Art Director: Thea Emanuelsen
Copywriter: Anders Arnoldsen Holm
Account Manager: Lina Aas-Eng
Project Manager: Elle-Beth Lønnestad
Designer: Pia Lystad

Production Company: Hobby Film, in cooperation with MJZ Los Angeles
Directors: The Perlorian Brothers
Producer: John Gerrard
Executive Producer: Anna Bergström
Editor: Ben Canny
Cinematographer: Juris Zukovskis
Other Credits: Product Designer: Janis Jurkovskis
Colorist: Edward Negussie
VFX/Flame: Jonathan Wendt
Composer: Will Cookson
Notes: This is part of a campaign that aims to promote adult products for men, and film tells the story about a man and his great love...

The brief:
Erotic toys for men has long been viewed as something dodgy and somewhat taboo. But this year, Kondomeriet want to show all the men out there that their one true love deserves a little excitement.

The problem:
Research shows that most norwegians, including men, think it's both normal and empowering for women to use these kind of products. When it comes to the men the numbers are almost opposite. Even men themselves don't want to try sex toys, because they think it's frowned upon. And the reason for this is that nobody talks about sex toys for men. Until now.

Brands like Kondomeriet are bound by several regulations in Norway. Especially when it comes to what they can show in their ads, and when and where they are allowed to show them. For example, Kondomeriet is not allowed payed promotions on media platforms like Facebook, Google and YouTube, so tv becomes important to get their message out.
But they are allowed organic spread on sosial media, as long as the content is non-explicit. So if we want to reach out to as many as possible, we have to make sure that the stories we tell (and how we tell them) can be safely shown on tv, AND that they won't be caught in the censorship of the sosial media.

The solution:
Without promoting the specific products, we decided to tell a story that shows the need for said products, in a way most men can relate to.
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