Visible Thoughts - Newspaper - Stampen Media JPG
Visible Thoughts - Newspaper - Stampen Media MP4 2m:18s

Visible Thoughts - Stampen Media

Visible Thoughts - Stampen Media - Newspaper


Title of Entry: Visible Thoughts
Brand: Stampen Media
Product/Service: Newspaper
Client: Stampen Media
Entrant Company: Stendahls
Creative Agency: Stendahls
Creative Director: Stendahls
Sector: N/A
Date of Release: 2019-06-05
Notes: Fake news, fast news and filter bubbles are big challenges within todays media landscape. They all create a narrower, twisted view of our world and have led researches to warn against growing prejudice in our societies.

The solution, they say, is unbiased and well-researched journalism.

In order to create awareness of the growing prejudice in our society and the polarisation that it inevitably leads to, Stampen Media launched a social experiment in Gothenburg, Sweden called Visible Thoughts.

During the experiment, people off the street were invited to sit down on a chair placed in the middle of a shop-window, exposed both to passers-by and people following the event online. People were then able to label the person in the shop-window by answering a set of questions - knowing nothing about them bar their appearance.

The answers were projected in real time in the shop window and online.

The goal of the campaign was to start conversations around prejudice and to encourage people to want to get to know one another, outside of their own bubble. If we can make people realize that we all carry prejudice, we can also increase tolerance for what is considered different.
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