Painted by Everyone - Bombay Sapphire - Bombay Sapphire JPG
Painted by Everyone - Bombay Sapphire - Bombay Sapphire MOV 2m:03s

Painted by Everyone - Bombay Sapphire
Bombay Sapphire

Painted by Everyone - Bombay Sapphire - Bombay Sapphire


Title of Entry: Painted by Everyone
Brand: Bombay Sapphire
Product/Service: Bombay Sapphire
Client: Bacardi
Entrant Company: BBDO New York
Creative Agency: BBDO New York
Creative Director: Marcos Kotlhar/ Danilo Boer (Executive Creative Director), Mariana Oliveira/ Joaquin Salim
Art Director: Marc Park/ Woo Jae (Junior Art Director)
Copywriter: Allison Lackey/ Bryan Barnes (Associate Creative Directors)
Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars (BBDO Worldwide), Greg Hahn (BBDO NY)
Sector: N/A
Account Executive: Steven Panariello/ Josh Goodman (Account Team)
Account Manager: Clare McGough (Social Manager)/ Ali Goldsmith (Comms Planner)
Date of Release: 2019-08-22
Notes: Throughout the years, Bombay Sapphire has been a champion of creativity and inspiration, developing various campaigns to support up-and-coming artists, like “Art Without Labels,” and “Art In Progress.”

This year, the brand wanted to facilitate creativity for those outside the art world.
Painted by Everyone is a public art installation from Bombay Sapphire, which combined a series of contributions from around the country into a singular work of art. Users could log in from anywhere into our website, and add their mark to our live canvas using state-of-the-art robotic technology. The stunt generated over 7000 unique marks and 152,211,620 impressions, and several mentions in publications like AdWeek, Forbes, and local stations across the country.

Other Credits: David Rolfe (Head of Integrated Production)
Other Credits: Adrienne Katz (Executive Experiential Producer)
Other Credits: Tatiana Lanier (Junior Producer)
Other Credits: VT Pro Design (Production Company)
Other Credits: Jonathan Sager: Project Manager
Other Credits: Michael Fullman: Chief Creative Officer ,Matthew Wachter: Creative Technology Director, Harry Souders: Chief Technology Officer
Other Credits: Colin Honigam: Creative Technologist , Scott Cooper: Design Engineer
Other Credits: Hayk Khanjian/ Nico Yernazian: Production Manager
Other Credits: Jordan Ariel: Design Director, Michael Lee: Creative Producer
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