11: BRAND PURPOSE (Brand Activism)

Who Run The World? - Investment Banking - DNB Bank JPG
Who Run The World? - Investment Banking - DNB Bank MOV 2m:13s

Who Run The World? - DNB Bank
Investment Banking

Who Run The World? - DNB Bank - Investment Banking


Title of Entry: Who Run The World?
Brand: DNB Bank
Product/Service: Investment Banking
Client: DNB Bank
Entrant Company: TRY
Creative Agency: TRY
Art Director: Eirik Sørensen, Egil Pay, Thea Bjørndal Iversen & Anette Finnanger
Copywriter: Caroline Riis
Account Executive: Kristina Skogen Tangeraas & Arne Eggen
Production Company: TRY Apt, TRY Film, TRY Råd, TRY Opt, NewLand
Producer: Andreas Vevle, Karen Vaksdal Madsen, Erik Torell & Joel Rostmark
Date of Release: 2019-09-13
Director: Sheila Johansson
DOP: Sophia Olsson
Notes: Dear Jury. Please watch the case film.
Editor: Emma Backman
Sound Engineer: Ellinor Nilsson
Music Company: Ohlogy
Other Credits: Ingrid Linjordet & Katharina Fries - Project Managers
Other Credits: Aina Lemoen Lunde, Mette Olsen & Pia Svärd - Client
Other Credits: Nicklas Hellborg, Emil Karlsson, Johanne Radford, Christopher Køltzow, Anne Birgitte Nesse, Kristin David Andersen & Jeppe Gjesti - Designers
Other Credits: Pål Smith-Amundsen, Cedric Jud, Marius Nettum & Marius Nohr - Developers
Other Credits: Rebecka Taule, Kim Holm, Sigurd Kristiansen, Christian Ruud, Caroline Eriksson - Motion Designers
Other Credits: Andreas Kleiberg - Photographer
Other Credits: Kaare Øystein Trædal - Advisor
Other Credits: Robin Idland Krüger - PR Advisor
Other Credits: Lene Vintervoll - Editor
Other Credits: Aina Lemoen Lunde, Mette Olsen & Pia Svärd - Client
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