18: CRAFT (Outstanding Scriptwriting (film/video))

Give Up Giving Up - Adoption Agency - The Cradle JPG
Give Up Giving Up - Adoption Agency - The Cradle MP4 2m:34s

Give Up Giving Up - The Cradle
Adoption Agency

Give Up Giving Up - The Cradle - Adoption Agency


Title of Entry: Give Up Giving Up
Brand: The Cradle
Product/Service: Adoption Agency
Client: The Cradle
Entrant Company: Energy BBDO
Creative Agency: Energy BBDO
Duration of Entry: 02:34
Craft Leader(s): Energy BBDO
Role: Creative Agency
Chief Creative Officer: Josh Gross, Energy BBDO and Pedro Pérez, Energy BBDO
Creative Director: Michele Brandel, Energy BBDO and Brynna Alyward, Energy BBDO and Dane Canada, Energy BBDO
Copywriter: Mishal Jagjivan, Energy BBDO
Account Executive: Nicole Kazan, Energy BBDO
Account Manager: Anna Bleers, Energy BBDO
Production Company: Chromista
Producer: Nina Xoomsai, Energy BBDO and Sandy Haddad, Chromista and Johnny Starke, Chromista and Jenny McDonald, Flare Chicago and Sam Vaupel, Flare Chicago
Date of Release: 2019-11-19
Director: Morgan Cooper, Chromista
Notes: The Cradle, a renowned adoption agency in Chicago, has helped place more than 15,000 children into permanent homes over 97 years. Recently however, under a steady decline of women willing to consider adoption as a viable option, The Cradle has had fewer women with unplanned pregnancies seeking them as a resource.

While there is a lot to celebrate when it comes to adoption, there is also a lot of shame, stigma and archaic stereotypes that surround the women who make this decision, the birthmothers. The colloquial language refers to the action of placing a child for adoption as “giving up their babies.” Every time someone uses the phrase, they’re painting birthmothers as women who “give up.” In order to remove the stigma surrounding adoption, we set out to transform the way birthmothers are viewed by telling their stories of strength to change the way people think and talk about adoption by asking our audience to give up the phrase “giving up.” This resulted in a 120% increase in inquiries to The Cradle. By asking viewers to Give up “Giving Up”, we showed not only how birthmothers are viewed but also changed how society thinks of adoption.
Editing Company: Flare Chicago
Editor: Casey Cobler, Flare Chicago and Mark Anderson, Flare Chicago
Sound Studio: Flare Chicago
Sound Engineer: Steven Aguilar, Flare Chicago
Post Production Company: Company 3 LA
URL Link (optional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdb6fAAYt7M
Other Credits: Head of Integrated Production: John Pratt, Energy BBDO
Other Credits: Chief Innovation Officer: Alan Parker, Energy BBDO
Other Credits: Technology Lead: Robert Diel, Energy BBDO
Other Credits: User Experience Architect: Cori Stankowicz, Energy BBDO
Other Credits: Chief Strategy Officer: Larry Gies, Energy BBDO
Other Credits: Strategy Directors: Leah Gritton, Energy BBDO and Casey Conway, Energy BBDO
Other Credits: Senior Colorist: Tyler Roth, Company 3 LA
Other Credits: Media Agency: Starcom Worldwide
Other Credits: Digital Agency: Centro
Other Credits: PR Company: Ketchum Chicago
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