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Close The Gap - Equal Pay for Women - Fiftyfifty Lebanon JPG
Close The Gap - Equal Pay for Women - Fiftyfifty Lebanon JPG
Close The Gap - Equal Pay for Women - Fiftyfifty Lebanon JPG
Close The Gap - Equal Pay for Women - Fiftyfifty Lebanon JPG
Close The Gap - Equal Pay for Women - Fiftyfifty Lebanon JPG
Close The Gap - Equal Pay for Women - Fiftyfifty Lebanon MP4 2m:08s

Close The Gap - Fiftyfifty Lebanon
Equal Pay for Women

Close The Gap - Fiftyfifty Lebanon - Equal Pay for Women


Title of Entry: Close The Gap
Brand: Fiftyfifty Lebanon
Product/Service: Equal Pay for Women
Client: Fiftyfifty Lebanon
Entrant Company: Impact BBDO
Creative Agency: Impact BBDO Dubai
Creative Director: Sarah Berro, Marie Claire Maalouf
Art Director: Bijoy Purayil
Designer: Ahmed Nawara
Copywriter: Sarah Berro
Chief Creative Officer: Paul Shearer
Account Executive: Emma Jane Randall, Rima Hussein, Lilas Sinno
Date of Release: 2020-02-01
Notes: The gender pay gap has been steadily narrowing globally. But in Lebanon, not as fast as it should. To date, a 21% average gender pay gap remains to be closed; contributing to Lebanon’s poor ranking at 145 out of 152 countries (Global gender Gap Report 2020). As part of its initiatives to build a gender balanced Lebanon, Fiftyfifty wanted to raise awareness about the 21% gender pay gap; and inspire a behavioral change in women, and towards women in the workplace.

The idea was to show people what it means to close the gap, literally. In Arabic, a gap between two words or two letters impacts the way they are read and understood. And in some cases, by closing the gap between the letters, we reveal a new word with an entirely different meaning. So we chose words that with the gap, reflected women’s reality at the workplace today: Unequally paid, stagnating in lower positions, with unequal opportunity to grow. We asked people to close the gap, to reveal new words with empowering, positive and hopeful meanings. By inviting people to close the gap between letters, we showed them what it means to close the pay gap between genders.

We created a typeface and graphical elements inspired by the Lebanese currency; and designed each ad after one of the Lebanese notes. We highlighted the gap with a vertical strip that slashed the edges of the letters to dramatize its impact. Inside it, we wrote our CTA: Close The Gap. With each word, we reminded people of Article 26 of the Lebanese labor law that prohibits all forms of discrimination against women in the workplace. The campaign was launched on February 10th for two weeks. Our ads were seen in major newspaper in the country. Posters and billboards were placed in popular business areas to inspire change. DM’s were sent to influential women to start the conversation. Flyers were handed out to women in banks. On digital and social platforms, people interacted with the posters directly. And using Anghami’s wide pool of reach, we targeted different people with different messages.

The campaign had a noticeable impact on the culture. With more than 2 Million impressions, and a trending campaign, our simple words made thousands of Lebanese women aware of the law that is behind them when it comes to demanding equal pay. All they had to do was close the gap. Website visits for the organization rose by a whopping +40%, while awareness of the Labor Law increased by an incredible +80%.

The translation of the words in English before and after closing the gap "Not Yours" became "Your Money" "Inequality" became "For Equality" "If I May" became "I Achieve" "Waiting" became "Claiming"
Typography: Nabil al Mawla
Other Credits: Executive Creative Director: Ali Rez
Other Credits: Strategic Director: Noor Hassanein
Other Credits: Producer: Ann Geleen Amparado, Rawad Keyrouz, Charly Hatem
Other Credits: Motion and Image: James Keith Elgie, Nidal Bou Ghanem
Other Credits: Creative Services Director: Tennyson Torcato
Other Credits: Head of Multimedia: Ramy Tannous
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