1: MOVING IMAGE (Moving Image Campaign (any length))

The Unsaid - Road safety - NZ Transport Agency JPG
The Unsaid - Road safety - NZ Transport Agency JPG
The Unsaid - Road safety - NZ Transport Agency MP4 2m:03s
The Unsaid - Road safety - NZ Transport Agency MP4 3m:00s

The Unsaid - NZ Transport Agency
Road safety

The Unsaid - NZ Transport Agency - Road safety


Title of Entry: The Unsaid
Brand: NZ Transport Agency
Product/Service: Road safety
Client: NZ Transport Agency
Entrant Company: Clemenger BBDO Wellington
Creative Agency: Clemenger BBDO Wellington
Creative Director: Brigid Alkema
Date of Release: 2020-07-21
• Situation • Brief • Objectives

Drug driving now kills more Kiwis than drink driving. The families affected are often too ashamed to share their stories, so the truth remains silent. Because of this, 90% of Kiwis denied drug driving was a problem, and any government safety messaging sounded like propaganda. We needed to prove the truth in an inarguable way.

Describe the creative idea
• Data insights • Innovation • Originality

This campaign was the first PSA that would only run if it needed to. Each execution was brought to life from a real story, in other words, if there were no drug driving deaths, there would be no PSAs. The campaign was made exclusively using real stories of real drug driving losses sent in by real families. By relying completely on real time responses, we were able to prove the truth.

Describe the strategy
• Data gathering • Target audience (consumer demographic / individuals / organisations) • Approach • Call to action

Ashleigh was recruited to front the campaign. She is a real person who lost her own cousin to drug driving, making her a credible voice for other victims. She offered to share people’s stories for them, allowing them to remain anonymous. People who lost someone to drug driving were able to message her directly, from a handle provided at the end of her film. Their stories were filmed and shared that day, and became the ‘recruitment’ for the next story. Each time she came back would be the last, unless someone new messaged in.

Describe the execution
• Implementation • Timeline • Placement • Scale

First, Ashleigh filmed and shared her own story of losing someone to drug driving. This story played once, on prime time TV. She promised the nation she would only come back if there were more drug driving deaths to share. No deaths: no campaign. One by one, the deaths came in. Each family that shared their deeply personal story with Ashleigh had it turned into a haunting tribute, a one off film that aired once only. The nation saw real grief in real time.

List the results
• Business impact – sales, donations, site traffic • Response rate • Change in behaviour

Tragically, in just 6 weeks, over 250 real drug driving deaths were received and the raw and honest stories shared with the nation. To put that number in perspective, it had taken seven months just to find Ashleigh, one person willing to share their story. By the end of the campaign, scepticism around the issue had dropped from 64 to 14%. Discussion around driving impairment grew from 17 to 87%, where it had previously been derailed by other sentiments around general drug use. Measures of concern around drug driving almost doubled. And on Day 151 of the campaign, the Government announced roadside testing would be introduced, finally bringing New Zealand in line with the rest of the world.

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