11: BRAND PURPOSE (Brand Activism)

Drive Responsibly - Beer - Jupiler JPG

Drive Responsibly - Jupiler

Drive Responsibly - Jupiler - Beer


Title of Entry: Drive Responsibly
Brand: Jupiler
Product/Service: Beer
Client: AB Inbev
Entrant Company: BBDO Belgium
Creative Agency: BBDO Belgium
Duration of Entry: 00:05
Creative Director: Arnaud Pitz, Sebastien De Valck
Art Director: Tom Jacobs
Copywriter: Frederik Clarysse
Account Executive: Janne Aerts
Sector: N/A
Account Manager: Lieselot De Fraine
Producer: Patricia Van de Kerckhove, Marlies Neudt, Eva Segers
Date of Release: 2019-12-31
Sound Engineer: Mathieu Schots
Other Credits: Account Director: Lore Desmet
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