6: SOUND (Radio advertising (any length))

unfortunate names - stationery - Pilot JPG
unfortunate names - stationery - Pilot MP3 1m:00s

unfortunate names - Pilot

unfortunate names - Pilot - stationery


Title of Entry: unfortunate names
Brand: Pilot
Product/Service: stationery
Client: Pilot
Entrant Company: MIT GATHERING
Creative Agency: dentsu
Duration of Entry: 2020/0717
Production Company: MIT GATHERING
Producer: Takashi Tachibana
Director: Minayo Aoki
Editing Company: MIT GATHERING
Sector: N/A
Editor: Takashi Tachibana
Creative Director: Wataru Yamamoto
Copywriter: Minayo Aoki
Chief Creative Officer: Akihisa Goto
Date of Release: 2020-02-29
Notes: (Music intro)

Na: So many living creatures have been given unfortunate names.

Na: A hairy armadillo that screams? Screaming hairy armadillo.

Na: A stork with a bill shaped like a shoe? Shoebill stork.

Na: An unidentifiable living thing? Question mark.

Na: A fish that looks like a blob? Blobfish.

Na: A turtle that tastes like chicken? Chicken turtle.

Na: A chicken-tasting mountain frog? Mountain chicken.

Na: And the oh-so-elusive saltwater fish, the slippery dick.

Na: Humans, on the other hand… We have some great names.

Na: Give your name the respect it deserves with Pilot’s V-Sign Pen Series.
Account Manager: Shigehiro maeda
Sound Engineer: Takuro Hirosawa
Other Credits: Ryo Saito
Other Credits: Takahiro Saito
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