15: CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY (Creative use of Data)

Philips AED - - Philips JPG
Philips AED - - Philips MP4 1m:56s

Philips AED - Philips

Philips AED - Philips -


Title of Entry: Philips AED
Brand: Philips
Client: Philips
Entrant Company: Ogilvy Social.Lab Amsterdam
Creative Agency: Ogilvy Social.Lab Amsterdam
Duration of Entry: 01:56
Sector: N/A
Chief Creative Officer: Tolga Büyükdoganay
Account Executive: Myrte de Jonge
Creative Director: Joris Tol, Gijs Sluijters
Date of Release: 2019-10-13
Notes: Philips is a world leader in health tech, including medical appliances that help save lives in case of cardiac arrest. Every week in The Netherlands, 300 people suffer cardiac arrest. 70% of this takes place outside the hospital. Having an AED within 6 minutes’ reach can mean the difference between life and death. Working with the Heart Foundation, data told us that in the Netherlands there aren’t nearly enough AED’s to meet this crucial requirement. So how could we bring this cause to light in a meaningful way and help Philips achieve its mission of making cities heart safer for everyone?

To draw attention to the problem and make people aware of the crucial distance of 6 minutes, we created Team Heart Safety – a team of runners wearing interactive shirts that display the distance to the nearest AED in real time. Since marathons cross entire cities, we took the route of the Eindhoven Marathon in Philip’s hometown and plotted every AED in the city on it.

The interactive shirts turn green when our runners are in a heart safe neighborhood and red when an AED is not available within 6 minutes. Each shirt has a built-in screen made of 850 individually addressable LED’s. The shirt uses GPS to know its own geolocation and a python computer to calculate retrieval times to all known AED locations in the city. The distance to the nearest AED is always displayed on the shirt.

For extra mass awareness and understanding for the issue, we also created 3 online documentaries about people who suffered from cardiac arrest and were saved by having an AED within 6 minutes.
Production Company: Bandit Amsterdam
Other Credits: Account Director - Pauline Landa (Ogilvy Social.Lab Amsterdam)
Other Credits: Strategy Director - Rogier van der Werf (Ogilvy Social.Lab Amsterdam)
Other Credits: Strategist - Ilonka van Bennekom (Ogilvy Social.Lab Amsterdam)
Other Credits: Photographer - Nynja Dudok van Heel
Other Credits: P.A. - Kees-Jan van Mourik (Bandit Amsterdam)
Other Credits: 1st AC - Daniel Jaspers (Bandit Amsterdam)
Other Credits: Producer - Vanessa Janssen, Hannah Padding
Other Credits: Director - Tobias Corba
Other Credits: DOP - Abel van Dijk
Other Credits: Editor - Tobias Corba, Jeffrey de Angst
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