1: MOVING IMAGE (Viral Video (any length))

Second Chances - Environmental Activism Platform - Earthrise JPG
Second Chances - Environmental Activism Platform - Earthrise MOV 1m:33s

Second Chances - Earthrise
Environmental Activism Platform

Second Chances - Earthrise - Environmental Activism Platform


Title of Entry: Second Chances
Brand: Earthrise
Product/Service: Environmental Activism Platform
Client: Earthrise
Entrant Company: Truant London
Creative Agency: Truant London
Duration of Entry: 01:34
Chief Creative Officer: Simon Labbett & David Gamble
Art Director: Charlie Lindsay & George Bartlett
Copywriter: Charlie Lindsay & George Bartlett
Production Company: MDRN Love
Producer: Georgina Shipp
Date of Release: 2020-05-22
Director: Charlie Lindsay & George Bartlett
Editing Company: MDRN Love
Editor: Richard Hutchison
Sound Studio: MDRN Love
Sound Engineer: Richard Hutchison
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