1: MOVING IMAGE (TV or Cinema Commercial 31- 60 seconds)


Title of Entry: | FOR YOU TO ALWAYS BE THERE |
Brand: | Allianz |
Product/Service: | Insurance |
Client: | ALLIANZ |
Entrant Company: | CONCEPT ISTANBUL |
Creative Agency: | CONCEPT ISTANBUL |
Duration of Entry: | 00:56 |
Chief Creative Officer: | Kerem Özkut |
Creative Director: | Deniz Ergin, Umut Dizdar, Sedat Dündar |
Art Director: | Berke Gülçiçek |
Copywriter: | Emre Günaydın |
Account Executive: | Özlem Najdi, Gökçe Ünal Bozyel, Kübra Özdemir |
Sector: | FINANCIAL |
Account Manager: | Barış Alemdar |
Production Company: | Depo Film |
Producer: | Mert Turan, Canan Polat |
Date of Release: | 2019-10-08 |
Director: | Serdar Dönmez |
DOP: | Michel Dierickx |
Notes: | Taking care of an elderly is very similar to raising a child. We approached this universal insight with split-screen story between a father and son through the years. Hence, we referred to our insurance services by showing people around their loved ones and also taking care of them. |
Editing Company: | ABT Istanbul |
Editor: | Taner Sarf |
Sound Studio: | ADR Yapım |
Sound Engineer: | Müge İyidir |
VFX Company: | ABT Istanbul |
Music Company: | Pelikan Müzik Yayımcılık |
Post Production Company: | ABT Istanbul |
Casting: | Ayça Çelikbilek Koraltürk, Deebeephunky |
URL Link (optional): | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9L6WkhZz3w |
Other Credits: | Mindshare Turkey |