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The Art Gap - SCB - Standard Chartered Bank UAE MP4 2m:08s

The Art Gap - Standard Chartered Bank UAE

The Art Gap - Standard Chartered Bank UAE - SCB


Title of Entry: The Art Gap
Brand: Standard Chartered Bank UAE
Product/Service: SCB
Client: Standard Chartered Bank UAE
Entrant Company: TBWA\RAAD
Creative Agency: TBWA\RAAD
Creative Director: Sandeep Fernandes
Art Director: Sumanth Wilkins, Mahesh Powar, Balu Puthalath
Designer: Rijin Kunnath
Copywriter: Doug Mackay
Chief Creative Officer: Walid Kanaan
Account Executive: Christine Dias
Account Manager: Ashleigh Morgan
Date of Release: 2019-03-24
Notes: Standard Chartered Bank is ‘Here For Good’. A brand’s promise to improve the communities it
operates in. And they walk the talk: In 2017, they instituted the Fair Pay Charter, pledging to pay
men and women equally. In 2019, they were recognized on the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
for the fourth year. Beyond supporting female empowerment initiatives within the bank, they
wanted to raise awareness for gender pay equality among CEOs and CFOs in the UAE. One
alarming fact surfaced: A global study led by the University of Oxford - Saïd Business School
highlighted that works by women artists sell for 47.6% less than those by men. The press reported
it. Then the world moved on. The bank felt that this was not good enough. It was time for action,
not words.

On 8 March 2019 - International Women’s Day, companies showcased their women staff. SCB
announced the Art Gap Exhibition. If women are going to be paid 47.6% less, they will paint 47.6%
less. SCB brought together a collective of 19 Emirati and expat women artists from 11 nationalities
to add their voices to the global gender parity conversation. They showcased their best art pieces,
but this time, incomplete. They painted 47.6% less of their canvas, matching the exact percentage
of their pay gap. People forget statistics. But the blank space on the canvas highlighted what the
world would miss if it didn’t treat women and men equally. The sum of 19 incomplete paintings
created a powerful visual statement to raise awareness for gender pay inequality across industries.
The Art Gap Exhibition was an action taken by bold women, creatively leveraging scientific
research to bring about change.

Insight: Gender pay equality stories are always about percentages, never human interest. There
were more than 175K mentions of the hashtag #PayGap on twi er alone in the past three years.
Many global centers of knowledge acknowledge the disparity of gender pay in the world across
different industries. Google #fempowerment and enjoy a myriad of CSR initiatives and
communication campaigns around gender pay equality. All smartly crafted and wittingly
copy-written. Talk has resulted in more talk. But attitudes need to change. We chose to do this
through awareness. Our audience wasn’t limited by borders. Our target was a mindset. While
everyone talks, the best way to stand out is visually. Who be er than artists to bring this disparity
to life? Trusting ‘seeing is believing’, the strategy boiled down to making people see, literally, the art
pay gap and the injustice it perpetuates.

World Art Dubai is the Middle East’s largest affordable art fair (3-6 April 2019) with 18,000 visitors at
Dubai World Trade Centre. The choice to make Art Gap part of a bigger exhibition was strategic -
drive footfall, reach the art industry and attract visiting media. One woman inspires another. That’s
why the artist Batool Jafri, winner of Emirates Woman of the Year 2018 in the ‘Art & Culture’
category, was the curator for Art Gap. To ensure credibility for artist statements and videos, an
independent Instagram account was created after special dispensation. Our VIP invitees spoke at
the opening seminar of World Art Dubai. The bank’s top 50 clients came to meet the artists.
Visitors signed the Pledge Book for equal pay. Young artists were given incomplete canvases to add
their voices. A coffee-table book was mailed to Priority Clients and the exhibition lives online at artgap.

+10,000 visitors a ended, including dignitaries like Director-General of the Dubai Department of
Information, Deputy CEO of the Securities & Commodities Authority, senior representatives from
UN Women, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and UK Trade Commission. +7,500
pledges for equal pay. USD 20,000 for 19 artworks, although sales wasn’t an objective. USD
1.4million in earned media, including BBC Arabic, Thomson Reuters, VICE Arabia, Design TAXI,
Toronto Sun Times, Thrive Global, Branding News, Zee TV, Al Hurra TV, China Arab TV, Gulf News.
+20 million social media impressions. On invitation, the exhibition moved to the prestigious Dubai
International Financial Centre (24 April - 8 May). Art Gap is now a movement, with exhibitions
planned at Oxford University and key markets to bring each country’s pay gap to the heart of the
conversation: South Korea 34.6%; India 29%; Pakistan 48.4%; Kenya 65%, Indonesia 40.6%.
Other Credits: Executive Creative Director: Manuel Borde, Bruno Bomediano
Other Credits: Regional Account Director: Monisha Mirchandani
Other Credits: Head of Strategy: Remie Abdo
Other Credits: Motion Designer: Lucas Pimenta
Other Credits: Social Media Executive: Adnan Ahmed
Other Credits: Production: Rouba Asmar, Gloria Abou Diwan
Other Credits: Video Editor: Mohamed Treka
Other Credits: Director: Martin Velkov
Other Credits: Audio Engineer: Bashar Najjar
Other Credits: General Manager: Joe Lahham
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