11: BRAND PURPOSE (Brand Activism)

EQUALICARE - DON'T PAY FOR PINK! - Consumer Protection - Hamburger Verbraucherzentrale JPG
EQUALICARE - DON'T PAY FOR PINK! - Consumer Protection - Hamburger Verbraucherzentrale MP4 1m:52s
EQUALICARE - DON'T PAY FOR PINK! - Consumer Protection - Hamburger Verbraucherzentrale PDF

EQUALICARE - DON'T PAY FOR PINK! - Hamburger Verbraucherzentrale
Consumer Protection

EQUALICARE - DON'T PAY FOR PINK! - Hamburger Verbraucherzentrale - Consumer Protection


Brand: Hamburger Verbraucherzentrale
Product/Service: Consumer Protection
Client: Hamburger Verbraucherzentrale
Creative Director: Thomas Heyen, Markus Kremer
Art Director: Philipp Trübiger, Philipp Elsner
Copywriter: Niklas Scholz
Sector: N/A
Account Manager: Saskia Kroschewski, Mariah Kattmann
Production Company: Tempomedia Filmproduktion
Producer: Alexander Schildt, Jana Schneider
Date of Release: 2019-02-25
Director: Peter Haueis
DOP: David Südel
Notes: Background
For more than 100 years women are fighting for more equality. But against the hidden tricks of the cosmetic industry they still seem to be powerless. The German Organization for Consumer Rights found out that personal care products are 40% more expensive just because they are designed for women. At the same time they are 100% identical to the male equivalent.

In a first step it was about to finally uncover the manipulation by the industry in a nationwide PR campaign. In a second step it was about to give female consumers advice to fight back. And simply check for the male designed products first. In order to get the same product but for 40% less.

The core idea and strategy was based on the question: what would happen if someone would launch a care product that doesn’t hide the industry’s manipulation at all? How would people react to it? We set up a moisturizer product from scratch. With a frontside for women and 40% less expensive backside. Every detail of the package was crafted in line with the tricks of the industry. From design, to wording, branding and coloring. In other words: two different designs for two different target groups. With two different prices but strangely with the same inside in one packaging.

The launch event happened in Germanys second biggest city Hamburg which is next to Berlin the center for trends, fashion and lifestyle. The online-shop was available throughout Germany and made public with the help of Instagram and beauty influencers. In addition to that lifestyle and beauty journalist was also invited to the event. The days after the launch the store was open for all people.

More than 300 newspaper and magazines reported about it. In total 32 hours of TV airtime about the topic of gender pricing sparked by the campaign. 4 billion media impressions which are worth approx. 30 mio Euros. People had a strong need to talk about it. The German Consumer Advice Center got hundreds of messages of thankful women who made great experiences just buying the male equivalent: e.g. the blue shaver instead of the pink one.
Editor: Daniel William Hill, Henrik Hühnken
Sound Studio: Supreme Music
Sound Engineer: Maximilian Olowinsky, Felix Müller, Florian Lackenmacher, Henning Sommer, Chris Buseck, Sebastian Schütze, Bernhard Pausch
Post Production Company: Fabian Cordsmeier, Julien von Schultzendorff, Markus Roseneck, nhbNEXT
Other Credits: Alex Schill, Global Chief Creative Officer
Other Credits: Florian Klietz, Managing Partner
Other Credits: Dennis Fritz, Anton Reim, Motion Design
Other Credits: Christoph Köhler, Madeliene Pfisterer, NEVEREST
Other Credits: Britta Tronke, General Manager
Other Credits: Isabelle Schneider, Junior PR-Consultant
Other Credits: Markus Maczey, Managing Director / ECD, PLAN.NET GERMANY
Other Credits: Michael Reill, Executive Creative Director, PLAN.NET GERMANY
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