18: CRAFT (Outstanding Cinematography)

Dino Chase - Brand - Darrell Lea JPG
Dino Chase - Brand - Darrell Lea MP4 30s

Dino Chase - Darrell Lea

Dino Chase - Darrell Lea - Brand


Title of Entry: Dino Chase
Brand: Darrell Lea
Product/Service: Brand
Client: Darrell Lea
Entrant Company: The Producers
Creative Agency: Akkomplice
Duration of Entry: 00:30
Craft Leader(s): Mitch Kennedy
Role: Director
Chief Creative Officer: Kenny Hill
Creative Director: Sara Oteri
Sector: N/A
Account Manager: Nicole Torrington
Production Company: The Producers
Producer: Noelle Jones
Date of Release: 2019-06-01
Director: Mitch Kennedy
DOP: Kieran Fowler NZCS & ACS
Notes: The brief was simple. Announce in a big and bold way that Darrell Lea is back and launching a range of unbelievable chocolate blocks! Oh, and sell as much chocolate as humanly possible.
Editor: Michael ‘Hooli’ Houlahan
Sound Studio: Bang Bang Studios
Sound Engineer: Tristan Dewey
Post Production Company: ALT VFX
Casting: Ben Parkinson Casting
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