Fashion Show for Virtual Being - GirlsAward inc. - GirlsAward inc. JPG
Fashion Show for Virtual Being - GirlsAward inc. - GirlsAward inc. JPG
Fashion Show for Virtual Being - GirlsAward inc. - GirlsAward inc. JPG
Fashion Show for Virtual Being - GirlsAward inc. - GirlsAward inc. JPG
Fashion Show for Virtual Being - GirlsAward inc. - GirlsAward inc. MP4 1m:59s

Fashion Show for Virtual Being - GirlsAward inc.
GirlsAward inc.

Fashion Show for Virtual Being - GirlsAward inc. - GirlsAward inc.


Title of Entry: Fashion Show for Virtual Being
Brand: GirlsAward inc.
Product/Service: GirlsAward inc.
Client: GirlsAward inc.
Entrant Company: DENTSU INC.
Creative Agency: DENTSU INC.
Creative Director: Tatsuki Tatara
Art Director: Arata Honda
Date of Release: 2019-09-29
Judging URL: https://favric.jp/
Notes: Our client runs one of largest fashion shows in Japan, yet they had certain concerns on business development and further expansion.
1. Development of VR technology
2. The rise of VR personalities in Japan
3. Japan’s inflexible fashion industry
Regarding these issues above, we considered the world might need a new leader in the VR fashion industry.
We proposed VR fashion as a new business area for companies that held traditional fashion shows. By showing a new way of fashion with VR technology that transcends even time and space, we were able to gain a new position in the fashion domain where high-end brands do not exist, the world's first fashion show for virtual fashion.

In Japan, more than ten thousands “VR personalities” - those who enjoy producing and distributing VR avatars - exist, and we decided to bring them on the runway. 50 selected personalities performed on stage, which collected a massive attention on social media.
Because the event was pre-announced from those VR personalities and other collaborating designers, we were able to involve everyone interested in fashion and VR technology.

We set up a 30-meter-long runway in one of the largest event halls in Japan, and installed more than 50 LED panels to let the VR personalities appear on stage. The entire event became a live installation where VR models walked in various virtual wears. We also publicly recruited VR models through social media, and continued to communicate with the users on twitter for more than over three months.

As a result, more than 5000 people gathered, which packed the floor. Over 120,000 tweets were shared on twitter, and about 100,000 live viewers participated in the event through online. We ranked the first place for Twitter’s domestic trend ranking for 5 consecutive hours, and also ranked second in Twitter’s world ranking for two hours. It received huge responses as the beginning of a new era for virtual fashion.

Other Credits: Planner : Kosuke Fukui / Ryo Suetomi
Other Credits: Technical Director : Takashi Kitada
Other Credits: CG engineer : Aya Okazawa
Other Credits: Stage director : Atsunori Toshi
Other Credits: Production producer : Satoshi Kuno / Masahiro Horie
Other Credits: Production Company : Tohjak inc. / CLIVER inc. / antenna inc.
Other Credits: Post Production Company : A4A Inc.
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