18: CRAFT (Outstanding Animation (film/video))

World Science Festival: We Will Be Martians - Explainer - World Science Festival JPG
World Science Festival: We Will Be Martians - Explainer - World Science Festival MP4 3m:58s

World Science Festival: We Will Be Martians - World Science Festival

World Science Festival: We Will Be Martians - World Science Festival - Explainer


Title of Entry: World Science Festival: We Will Be Martians
Brand: World Science Festival
Product/Service: Explainer
Client: World Science Festival
Entrant Company: TRY Apt
Creative Agency: TRY Apt
Craft Leader(s): Rebecka Taule, TRY Apt
Role: Motion Designer
Creative Director: Rebecka Taule, TRY Apt
Art Director: Rebecka Taule, TRY Apt
Copywriter: John Plummer, World Science Festival
Production Company: TRY Apt
Producer: Frode Alver Nilsen, TRY Apt
Date of Release: 2019-05-29
Notes: Explainer/short for the World Science Festival about Mars as an introduction to a panel discussing the technological, physical and psychological challenges of sending the first humans to the red planet. The film explores how we continuously have evolved our understanding of Mars, from the ancient Mesopotamians first looking up at the sky to what the potential future of our journey to Mars might be. The film was also released as a stand-alone release on the World Science Festival YouTube-channel.
Sound Engineer: Kim M. Jensen, TRY Apt
Music Company: APM Music
Other Credits: Producer: Christopher Young, World Science Festival
Other Credits: Voice Actor: Jessica Frey
Other Credits: Soundtrack: Joseph Alexander, "On the Stratosphere"
Other Credits: Consultant: Frode Alver Nilsen, TRY Apt
Other Credits: Animation & illustration: Rebecka Taule, TRY Apt
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