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MIND THE GAP - Public Transport - Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) JPG
MIND THE GAP - Public Transport - Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) MP4 2m:05s

MIND THE GAP - Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)
Public Transport

MIND THE GAP - Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) - Public Transport


Title of Entry: MIND THE GAP
Brand: Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)
Product/Service: Public Transport
Client: Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)
Account Manager: Philipp Krause, Sandra Bergström
Sector: TRAVEL
Art Director: Wenke Möller-Madhana, Nils Frankenbach, Jonas Köksal
Copywriter: Sebastian Bialon, Jan Roters
Date of Release: 2019-03-12
Judging URL: http://thisisforthejury.com/mindthegap/bestcause
Notes: March 18th is Equal Pay Day in Germany - a day nobody really notices. Few realise that Germany has a gender pay gap of 21% - the 2nd largest in Europe. To highlight this inequality, BVG created the Frauenticket (Women’s Ticket) - the world’s first ticket allowing women to travel for 21% less. On Equal Pay Day, BVG brought the Women’s Ticket to over 600 ticket machines across Berlin and installed a special Women’s Ticket Machine in the city centre. The iconic machine used gender recognition technology to identify women and offer a full range of 21% discounted tickets - even yearly tickets with savings of 160 euros. The Women’s Ticket brought the German equal pay discussion into global news on March 18th. But paying 21% less won't solve the problem - earning 21% more will. That's why BVG used the action as a recruitment drive promising Berlin women guaranteed equal pay for equal work. The BVG Women's Ticket story brought the Gender Pay Gap discussion onto the evening news of every German broadcaster on Equal Pay Day, March 18th. The initiative sparked a discussion on gender equality and equal pay all over the world.
Other Credits: Alex Schill, Global Chief Creative Officer
Other Credits: Myles Lord, Managing Creative Director
Other Credits: Claudia Maria Kirchmair, Group Head Corporate
Other Credits: Zhong To, Managing Director, Cubird
Other Credits: Malte Schumacher, Editor, Cubird
Other Credits: Oliver Rinh, Print Producer, PX1 Berlin
Other Credits: Jana Dreger, Senior Media Consultant, MEDIAPLUS GERMANY
Other Credits: Edwin Scholte, Richard Heuser, Eva Julia Manneke, Directors, Media Monks
Other Credits: Chrisy Srisanan, Karlijn Hendriksen, Creatives, Media Monks
Other Credits: Raoul Storme, Video Producer, Media Monks
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