16: DIGITAL DESIGN (Use of animation)

Give Me Hope - Depicting the Rohingya Crisis - Medecins Sans Frontières JPG
Give Me Hope - Depicting the Rohingya Crisis - Medecins Sans Frontières JPG
Give Me Hope - Depicting the Rohingya Crisis - Medecins Sans Frontières MP4 1m:56s

Give Me Hope - Medecins Sans Frontières
Depicting the Rohingya Crisis

Give Me Hope - Medecins Sans Frontières - Depicting the Rohingya Crisis


Title of Entry: Give Me Hope
Brand: Medecins Sans Frontières
Product/Service: Depicting the Rohingya Crisis
Client: Medecins Sans Frontières
Entrant Company: Presence
Creative Agency: Presence
Judging URL: https://www.facebook.com/msf.english/videos/293219368306664/
Live site URL: https://www.facebook.com/msf.english/videos/293219368306664/
Support URL: https://www.presence.team/medecins-sans-frontieres-depicting-the-rohingya-crisis-through-our-animation/
Chief Creative Officer: Ikram Ngadi
Account Executive: Danny Fleet
Creative Director: Richard Swarbrick
Date of Release: 2020-04-08
Digital Producer: Danny Fleet
Notes: A film that expresses the dufficult subject of the Rohingya crisis using art.
Production Company: Presence
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