#MissionToUranus - Colorectal Awareness Month - Colon Cancer coalition JPEG
#MissionToUranus - Colorectal Awareness Month - Colon Cancer coalition MP4 2m:12s

#MissionToUranus - Colon Cancer coalition
Colorectal Awareness Month

#MissionToUranus - Colon Cancer coalition - Colorectal Awareness Month


Title of Entry: #MissionToUranus
Brand: Colon Cancer coalition
Product/Service: Colorectal Awareness Month
Client: Colon Cancer coalition
Entrant Company: BeautifulBeast
Entrant Company Country: United States
Creative Team: CEO, Creative Chairman: Aldo Quevedo
Chief Creative Officer: Flor Leibaschoff
Creative Director/Art Director: Guillermo B
Writer: Marc Colombo
Chief Digital Officer: Mauricio Del Castillo
Chief Technology Officer: Kristian Bottini
Exec. Producers: Andres Moreno, Carrie Callaway, Victor Macias
Chief Brand Officer: Salma Gottfried
Director of Public Relations: Laura Martinez
Director of Media: Rodrigo Vallejo
Submission Text: SITUATION
An estimated 150,000 people will be diagnosed with colon cancer in the United States this year. Unfortunately, more than 50,000 people will likely die, even though 9 out of 10 colon cancer patients can survive with early screening and detection.

Early screening may be the difference between life and death.
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. We needed to reach people who aren't within the colorectal cancer community, talk to them about the importance of early screening, and help them recognize colon cancer's signs and symptoms.

The primary goal of "Mission to Uranus" was to reach younger potential patients, as the recommended age for regularly scheduled colonoscopies has been lowered from 50 to 45. Unfortunately, more than half of Americans aged 50 to 54 have not been screened.

#MissionToUranus: Exploring Uranus might have the answer to a longer life on earth.
How did we get there?
We learned that a new NASA-funded study revealed that exposure to space radiation on long trips, like a voyage to Mars, could permanently harm astronauts’ intestines and lead to stomach and colon cancer.
We know people have made fun of the planet Uranus for generations.
We tied both insights to create a powerful, out-of-this-world message to bring awareness to the importance of early screenings through a colonoscopy.

After learning about the natural relationship between colon cancer and space travel, we contacted NASA and retired astronaut Col. Dick Covey to invite them to join #MissionToUranus. They enthusiastically accepted.
To launch the campaign, we created content with Col. Covey sharing his story about losing his father AND daughter to colon cancer. That was why he joined "the most important mission on earth," as he called it.

Impact on the industry/culture:
#MissionToUranus is the most successful awareness campaign in history for the Colon Cancer Coalition.

Achievement against the original challenge:
Our goal was to get 20 million organic impressions and raise scheduled colonoscopies by 5% vs. March 2021. Instead, we achieved 45MM impressions and a whopping 15% increase in scheduled colonoscopies during March 2022. Also, there was an increase of +50,000 in Google searches for "colonoscopy" compared to March 2021, from 246k to 301k.
All of this with a media investment of less than $5,000 USD.

Business impact:
#MissionToUranus garnered the attention of the government and medical community, helping the Colon Cancer Coalition secure more contributions and support for 2023.

Change in behavior/awareness:
People over 45 now know the importance of early screenings and talk more openly about the procedure. It can save their lives. A colonoscopy is no longer the butt of the joke.
Other Credits: President, Colon Cancer Coalition: Chris Evans
Director of Mission & Partnerships, Colon Cancer Coalition: Erin Peterson

Deaf Mule Studio:
Chief Sound Engineer, Mixer & Sound Designer:
Gio Locatelli
Sound Engineer and Sound Designer:
Juan Zavala
Executive Producer:
Victor Macias
Sr Sound Engineers:
Francisco Royo
Carlos Gonzalez
Daniel Burnet

Republic Editorial:
Exec Producer: Carrie Callaway
Editor: Shaddai Berron
Motion Graphics Designer Edgar Garza
Graphic Designer Jason Vigue

CEO, Executive producer Kristian Bottini
Account Director Jeffrey Lefkovitz
Creative Director Troy Millhoupt
Account Supervisor Kagan Baker

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